You Made it! Now what?

Congrats beloved, You were able to accomplish some amazing feats this year! I bet you found ways to motivate yourself, set goals, reach them, change, grow, set boundaries (no matter how big) and do some things that you’ve never done before. *insert congratulatory shoulder wiggle here*

Now, I have 2 questions for you. Did you give yourself credit for all that you did this year? Or did you laugh it off with something similar to a “yea, right”?

My hope is that you gave yourself credit, but if you didn’t… this message is a gentle reminder for you. It’s absolutely okay to give yourself credit for the things that are hard and the things that come easy. Our accomplishments don’t have to be comparable to the next person to be valid, they just have to meet a need for you. On the days when 30% is all you have to give, and you do just that… You accomplished something. On the days when it takes all your might to get out of bed, but you get up, cry it out, and push on. You accomplished something. On the days when you are operating at 100% and straight up killin’ it… You accomplished something. What I’m trying to say is baby steps, beloved. Remember that every little bit counts. Don’t feel bad about taking a moment to celebrate you. Especially if you feel like you don’t hear it enough.

photo of a sign and eyeglasses on table
Photo by Binti Malu on

Around this time of year people tend to start thinking about their next steps and setting resolutions or goals for the new year, but how often do you set goals and recognize that your follow-through really isn’t all that consistent? Or what about when life happens and knocks you off track? Are you giving yourself a moment to recognize the things that did happen before things went awry? Did you notice how intentional you were when it came down to it and how passionate you became whenever it was brought up?

I want to challenge you to do something for yourself. It’s not a resolution unless you want it to be, but I want to challenge you to take a moment or 2 each day to acknowledge something that you did. It doesn’t matter how big or small it was, just as long as it was something that got you closer to meeting a need. I genuinely believe that if we teach ourselves that it’s okay to see ourselves, it won’t be so hard to give grace when we need it.

As always, If something resonates and you decide that you want to subscribe or access services, please reach out using the information on the Contact page or click schedule to request your free 15 min consultation. I am actively accepting clients in NC. Until next time, Take Care, Beloved!

1 thought on “You Made it! Now what?”

  1. There are plenty of times that I feel like I’ve done absolutely nothing, but I definitely have to give myself more credit. Thanks for the reminder!

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