Post-Valentine’s Day Self-Care

So, I want to start by saying that I understand that this isn’t a holiday that everyone likes or celebrates. However, you can still be exposed to it and impacted by what you are exposed to. You are more than welcome to accept and acknowledge your feelings. If my thoughts don’t apply to you that’s cool too. I hope the day was all you needed it to be! I also recognize this is a few days late, but life happens and most of y’all know my heart by now. 


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A day of Love... for some

Some people love this holiday, while others absolutely dread it. There are many implications for V-day, but I believe that there’s a way to make sure that the day doesn’t bring you down. Here’s a few tips for when you recognize that Love day genuinely has you questioning “Where is the Love?”

1. Embrace/Celebrate you: Make sure that you are eating, moving, getting sun/fresh air, and reminding yourself of all the ways you love You! Date yourself, beloved!
2. Turn to your higher power (if applicable): For some, turning to you’re higher power can be a complete turn around if you are feeling down/lonely. 
3. Get it out: If the day/experience wasn’t what you expected and you feel some kinda way about it, be about that action! Journaling, singing, dancing, and using your hands are just a few ways to feel it so you don’t get stuck in it… just find a way to express yourself, it allows you to get out of your head.
4. Understand your why: take time to really understand why you feel the way you feel about it. Is it in your control? Do you need to carry it with you? Can you feel the feels without getting stuck in them?

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If you feel like your physical and emotional response to the Valentine’s Day shenanigans is “too much” it may also be important to assess your association with the day or what it means. If you’re a client, you’ve probably heard me talk about the difference between self-care and self-soothing when stress responses are activated. The important difference in the two approaches are your goals. Identify if you’re doing things to get through it, or get over it. (yes there’s a difference and that’s a post/session for another day)

You got this...

Either way, I hope you’ve taken time to consider what this holiday currently means for you and what it can become in the future. 

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