So, for most of my life I’ve been that girl with the eclectic taste in music. Literally the one who would go from “Pop, Lock and Drop It” to “Popular” followed by “Bring Me to Life” on the playlist. I am who I am and I own it.
Anyway, I was thinking of ways to connect with you all on a deeper level. I decided to #askFB for some ideas. It was suggested that I create a playlist to go along with self-care kits. I love a good lil “Diddy Bop” (it’s in the playlist), so I started immediately.
This mixed-genre playlist is full of songs about self recognition, relationships (with self, higher powers, and others), happiness, and beautiful sounds. It’s a mostly mellow listening situation, but you might catch yourself wiggling every so often.
I’m all about musicality and the reality is that with music it’s not just the lyrics that can evoke emotion. Certain chords are known to bring joy and sadness. You can use this playlist to practice sitting in the different emotions. If you use it as a mindfulness activity you can even practice recognizing where in your body the tunes resonate for you. I’m so excited for you to listen! I’ll probably be adding to this for a while so feel free to save it for later.
Also, I don’t mind explicit language, but if you do, be aware that it’s in there (because sometimes, certain emotions might make us drop an ‘F-bomb’ and that’s okay). Don’t forget to shuffle, beloved.